Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Even More of Ubud

I try to imagine living off a road like this! The boys and I ventured back this way on a walk one afternoon.

This is actually a tree, not a bush. One of the many exotic breathtaking sights.

Our walk brought us out into the open air and rice fields. We met a few other people walking and a few motorcycles, but for the most part it was very quiet, except for the boys, of course, who were running ahead and finding sticks.

The boys loved this big field near the center of town. When they weren't playing tag or running around, they were gathering grasses to weave baskets. I mean, hey, if everywhere you go you see people making little baskets, how hard can it be?

When they weren't off on an adventure, their parents would drag them into some shops. LOL. They were pretty good sports and I think we got in a fair amount of both adventures and shopping, with some ice cream and fanta thrown in on the side.

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