Wednesday, July 16, 2008

When It Rains It Pours

We woke up to rain again this morning. As I write it is slowly dripping in the window, forming into a puddle on the floor. Time to get out the caulking gun and stop waiting for someone else to fix it! But that puddle is small compared to the puddles I had yesterday. It all started with the power coming on - yea!! The funny thing was, we could hardly tell it was on because so many things still didn't work. The guys who were working on things were pretty confused. Finally they figured out that some of the switches needed to be replaced and the other ones were the ones connected to the generator and will be hooked up today. So, we nearly have all the power and are very happy about that! Of course I was anxious to try out my new washing machine. We decided to go that route instead of having household help. Austin got it hooked up for me and then left for the office while the electrician was finishing up and the kitchen was full of carpenters and painters. A while later I noticed a growing puddle on the floor around the washer. Not good. Here the drain they put in, specifically for a washer, was not big enough to handle the flow of water so it backed up onto the floor. By this time I was on the verge of insanity. I called Prince Charming and he came home and gave me a hand. We tried draining the water in buckets, but then the hose would come loose at the bottom of the washer with all the moving around and water would fly all over the floor anyway. Aaaarrrhhhh! The workers all left around 5:00 p.m. and I finally was able to wash the dishes that had accumulated durning the day and clean the floors. To top it all off, the mop handle bent in half and was useless.
While I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, I realize how much I have to be thankful for. Some people's floors are being covered in flood water. No matter how tough things are, someone always has it tougher. I don't know what today will hold - probably more story material. Smile. At least I'm not sitting around, feeling bored!

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