Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas Eve was a special time. Austin brought pizza in to our room, which we thoroughly enjoyed. We watched Polar Express and drank hot chocolate in our nice cool air conditioned room. The boys were very excited to open the last window on our Advent Calendar before falling asleep to the sound of Christmas music (which we brought with us).

Christmas morning they were up long before dawn. I heard Pruitt slip out of bed and try to find the little gift he was giving to Riley, so that he would have it beside him when he woke up. It was fun to surprise them with some things they had ooed and ahhed over when we found a Toys R Us in Kuala Lumpur. Later we took snow man candles down to breakfast with us. The breakfast buffet was serving pasta, salad, baked beans, toast and fruit, to mention some of the things. It was the unusual Christmas breakfast, but very tasty!

Later we went out on the beach again. We all played volleyball with an imaginary net and the boys dug for Pirate treasure. So far they havent' found much!

I have missed my family and friends a lot this holiday season and it's been difficult to be so far. Yet I am so grateful to be able to experience the beauty and warmth of Asia. Sitting on the balcony at night, listening to the wind rustling the palm leaves and letting my thoughts tumble out as I talked with Austin, I realized again how much I have right now. My soul is breathing in gulpfuls of life as I let all the questions and "bigness" of the future slip away. I have today, and today is beautiful.

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