Thursday, April 30, 2009

Smelling Rain - Or Not

Last night Jensen stuck his nose to the window, as I was tucking the boys into bed, and said, "I smell rain. Actually, it smells more like chicken nuggets." It still makes me chuckle! We are still longing for that thunder storm to cool things down!

The days have been flying by. We enjoyed the party at Prokritee one morning, to celebrate Bengali New Year. We dressed up, ate lots of sweets and took photos. I am blessed to work with some really great people.

Austin spent a couple of days in Mymensingh and it went pretty smoothly here. The boys handled things pretty well, maybe because I was handling things pretty well. Last night we watched a cowboy movie together so they went to bed dreaming of some day living on a ranch and riding horses and rounding up cattle, after which they would chase chickens. That was Pruitt's idea. I have no idea where it came from but they were pretty thrilled about the idea.

Riley's touch on my week was telling me, "Mommy, I love you more than all the popcorn and cotton candy in the world."

My days have been pretty full with food prep. It seems there is a certain bottomless freezer in the neighborhood - not that I'm complaining. It's been fun to try and fill it up, it's just not happened as fast as I would like.

Well, it's almost officially the weekend here and I'm looking forward to chilling out - in the heat of course, with the smell of chicken nuggets in the air.


gloria s. said...

"certain bottomless freezer in the neighborhood" - sorry I forgot to tell you that I've been eating everything! :o)

but hey, I'm up 10 lbs. now :)

Gautam said...

You look fabulous in the sari, very natural drape & fall, no stiffness in your poise at all!! Your body language is Bangali! Godd show!! So now you need some handloomed Tangail, then cotton interwoven with muga silk!!!! Then GOROD, which is a creamy silk with a deep red border, a very auspicious sari worn by married women ONLY. The silk is special too, being given a twist before looming, which confers a special texture. Look for it in the Shankhari bazar, the Hindu area of old Dhaka, or ask a Hindu respondent about it. Just as Jamdani is a preserve of Muslim weavers and cultural icon, so does GOROD mark out the ancient Hindu identity.