Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Trip Out Of Dhaka

This past weekend, we took a train trip to the town of Sri Mongol with some of our co-workers. Here we are, waiting at the station, surrounded by beggars and other travelers. The shot below shows a bit more of the crowd around us but really can't do justice to the experience of traveling here.

What a relief to leave the city and see green again. I love to see the vibrant shades of the rice paddies, from the brilliant green of the new shoots to the golden stalks of ripened rice, with many different shades in between. I marvel at the perfect rows and the endurance of the farmers.

Our train stopped a couple of times so during one rather long stop, the kids got down and played a bit of tag, which helped to release some pent-up energy. It had been coming out in other ways, like hitting the seats to see how much dust would fly up into the air. It was rather cloudy on their side of the car for a bit. Then the boys got out their candy that they had accumulated from Grandma and the circus and soon had a sugar high to add to the normal high level of energy that they seem to all have been born with. Needless to say, we were all happy to get to our destination.

Here is one of the many onlookers they had, as they played during the stop.

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