Sunday, February 15, 2009

Soccer Tournament

A major topic of conversation in the Miller household has been the soccer tournament. My boys could hardly wait for the big day. A lot of different schools were invited to the French School, who hosted the event, for a big day of "football" as it is called in this part of the world. Jensen and Pruitt both proudly played for Grace International School and Riley was happy to watch for a little while but then he found one of his classmates and had the time of his life running around the huge school yard, behind the tents, on the slides, darting here, there and everywhere. Riley has about the shortest legs of any 5 year old I know, but they are full of speed! It makes me laugh to watch him go.

Here is Pruitt, playing against a team from the Australian School.

Jensen played 110%, if not more. I got so tickled watching him and realized this is the perfect game for him, with all his energy and enthusiasm.

Neither of the boys' teams made it to the finals, but they played well and had a great time. They were quite proud of the medals they received for participating. Needless to say, we had some very tired out boys to put to bed that night.

We had a quiet Valentine's Day - except for in the morning, when the boys discovered the packages of candy Grandma sent them! They had fun returning to those throughout the day. I got some peas and green beans into the freezer. We watched Snow White as a family and just had some "down time".

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