Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Relaxing Weekend After a Crazy Week

What a week it was! Riley was sick for a couple of days and by the time he was better, Pruitt was sick. I spent nearly 2 hours in traffic on Thursday, going to and from the school to pick him up. He spent the next 24 hours in bed. We all stayed at home Friday and chilled out. By afternoon he was up and about, not hungry, but with enough "umph" to push his younger brother around in their homemade ambulance. We watched Ice Age 3 in the evening, much to the boys' delight! Pruitt woke up Saturday morning, fever gone and feeling good, ready to eat a good breakfast and wanting very much to go to Saturday Sports. The American School has a sports program for kids to play various sports on Saturday mornings so we headed over there to register and pick up uniforms. We missed Pruitt and Riley's time slots but they were fine playing with their friends on the playground and Jensen enjoyed an hour of soccer with his age group. In the afternoon they went to a friend's birthday party and had a total riot, riding bumper cars and roller coasters, while Austin and I talked more about our options for the future over cups of cafe mochas. We all hit the sack, happy from a good weekend.

The feeling didn't last too long though. Soon I got up to check on the boys, after hearing a suspicious sound. My nose soon confirmed that someone was sick again. Poor Pruitt was violently ill. We helped him back to bed and he is feeling much better this morning, though still not back to normal. Was it something he ate yesterday? A recurrence of what he had the other days? Who knows.

He's been through a lot lately but I'm glad to see him starting to bounce back. A little bit ago, he put on 2 pairs of socks and tied a variety of ropes around his ankles and tried to convince me to let him tie himself to the window grille so that he could hang upside down. I just didn't think a concussion was something I wanted to deal with right now so I persuaded him to leave that for professionals. He has turned his attention to trying to pull a loose tooth and stringing beads into a necklace.

Needless to say, I'm tired. I was hoping for a quiet, "normal" week but it seems as if normal has become a bit too crazy for my liking. At least being a mom of 3 boys gives me lots of opportunities to laugh!

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