Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Visit to the Potters' Village

We have just returned home from a trip of many trips, including this visit to a potters' village near Manikgang, an hour and a half from Dhaka. Those of you who know Austin can imagine how happy he was for the opportunity. The boys were also thrilled, as they love to get their hands into clay nearly as much as their dad does.

Here is a kiln being loaded. They use a mixture of wood, rice straw and dried water hyeceinth for fuel. Quite resourceful, if you ask me.

Here is a kiln that is fully loaded and ready to be fired. Austin will have to fill you in on the technicalities.

Before we left we were served Dab, green coconut water. Jensen thinks it tastes like water with a little bit of sugar and a little salt. Pruitt says it tastes like lemonade with milk, salt and sugar. Riley just wrinkled his face and stuck his tongue out.

And here we are, leaving with some pots and some clay that the guys are looking forward to getting their hands into.

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