Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Sometimes I look at my boys and just chuckle and shake my head. Last night was one of those times. Pruitt decided to "cover up" so that the mosquitos couldn't bite him. It's not as hot as it was last month, but is still quite warm. Socks on the hands? I think I'll risk mosquito bites!

And then there is Riley. He has been absolutely delighted with our nightly visitors - grasshoppers. How they get in is beyond me, but they, along with many smaller bugs, make their way indoors. He calls the grasshoppers his "best friend" and spends a lot of time catching one of them and walking around proudly. He was determined to take one to bed with him but I told him he would just squish it. So he told it, "Good night" and asked if he could kiss it. LOL

Jensen decided it was a good time to be Pharoah and soon had his brother fanning him in royal style.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in full-time conflict resolution/mediation between three warring tribes. But then suddenly I am reminded how fun they can be. Laughter is such good medicine. May your day be filled with it!

1 comment:

Marland said...

I love the shot with the grasshopper!